31 days of Gratitude…

For the month of May, I decided that I’d utilize the month expressing my gratitude towards the simple things in life, whether it was towards a person, posting a positive quote I came across on the internet or most importantly just simply thanking God and/or the universe for waking me up and allowing me to experience a new day.

This exercise was so fulfilling on many levels, I learned how to really appreciate the the small things, instead of stressing over the things that‘s not in my control. Throughout the month I found myself smiling a bit more, finding the good in all situations, thinking a bit more logical as opposed to emotional and if you truly know me, you know I am an emotional being.

I also learned that the simplest gesture can make someone’s day brighter, beyond what you can even imagine. In reality, you never really know what a person’s internal struggles/battles are. To think that you can take a person out of a negative moment just by saying hello, thank you, how may I assist you? Or even asking how are you feeling today? Can make a world of a difference to someone and how they’re feeling in that moment.

One afternoon in the mist of my gratification journey, I went out for lunch. I decided that I’d go for for pizza that day, when I got to the corner of the intersection to cross the street there was a city worker directing traffic, she seemed a bit overwhelmed, (because as we all may know New York drivers aren’t the friendliest at any time lol). I waited patiently for about 2 or 3 minutes for the intersection to become clear and safe for me to go across. She apologized and said thanks for waiting, I said no problem these people are crazy out here, you take it easy. So when I got in the pizzeria I told they guy behind the counter that I’d be paying for a slice for the young lady outside he looked at me in complete shocked and asked why?, I said because sometimes it’s nice to do unexpected things for strangers, he smiled and said you know what? you are right.

When I got back to the intersection I motioned her towards me and she came over with a bright smile and said “I always see you crossing the street and you are so pretty”, I said “aww thank you, but whenever you’re ready to take lunch a slice is paid for you, so enjoy!”. Her reaction was priceless!! She was so happy, as if she had just won the lotto or something. she said “are you for real?, omg thank you soooo much”, as she reached in to give me a hug lol. She then introduced herself to me and I told her my name as I went back to work. I was happy that she was happy and it made me think about so many different things, like was she even going to take lunch that day?, did she have enough money to do so?, I felt even better knowing that she was able to save $2.50 or use it towards something else. I know as little as $2.50 sounds the feeling within is so much greater.

That day I was just grateful for being well and alive. Being able to allow someone else to feel just as great, is a beautiful thing. So I charge each reader to go out and do something nice for someone you know or even a stranger with no thought of receiving anything in return from that person. Just by putting a smile on someone’s face, will allow them to carry that joy in their heart for days or even years to come, wouldn’t that make you feel great inside?

There are tons of things to be grateful for in life, but what is gratitude without making others feel as if they matter as well? Let’s build gratitude as our foundation of the way we live... when we show gratitude the universe always rewards us!

“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭107:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬

#gratitude #grateful #thankful #happiness #love #positive #energy #god #universe #prayer Original Post 7/5/2018

Gratitude is everything…

Be grateful in every situation, because in every situation there is a lesson to be learned.


Let’s Normalize saying, “I Love You”