About the Author
Deborah “Dopie” Young is a Queens native who developed her love for writing poetry, fiction, non-fiction, as well as songs in her late teenage years into her early 20s, it became an outlet for her to express her feelings and thoughts in exchange of internalizing them in her younger years. Deborah found that writing allowed her to release all kinds of feelings that she had towards a situation or even towards people, some feelings that she didn’t even realize that she was carrying. She uses her writing as a therapeutic tool which allows her to either dig deep to identify feelings, thoughts and emotions (some known or unknown) or she uses writing to free herself from stress and let her creativity to run wild.
Deborah is the owner and creator of “Lips with A Cause” a lip line that she built to give a portion of the proceeds to the fight and research of Ovarian Cancer. She is also the Host and creator of “Dopie’s World” YouTube channel, a place where she invites an interview entrepreneurs and other creators from all walks of life, to gain insight into their craft and also to have them share their journey in breaking into and maintaining their place in their industry. She is currently pursuing her degree in Communications Studies concentration in Public Relations, with the goal of expanding her brand as well as assisting in the creation of other Brands into something greater.
Deborah believes that we were all put here on earth with a purpose to fulfill and she works at gaining clarity and identifying her purpose on a daily basis, while pursuing internal happiness by Destroying every part of her that is no longer serving her growth and Rebuilding the life that she knows she deserves. She understands that in order for her to fully embrace all that is meant for her, she must Heal from all the brokenness of her past and to constantly stay present in order not to revert back to the things that doesn’t help her to evolve. “If you aren’t living with a purpose, you are wasting energy and the opportunity to pour into others”, this is how she view things which is why she also created #LIVEWITHACAUSE a Business Consultant agency. For now She invites all of her readers to take this journey of reflecting, accepting and healing with each other so that we can manifest the life we desire and live happily, peacefully in harmony, love and truth, not only with ourselves but with those around us as well!